Data centres
A person needs roof over his/her head. Also servers need a house with every convenience so it can work normally - competently arranged data centre. It size can vary from a small room made in an office until a separate five-story building, buried under ground up to the roof. However in both cases the data centre has to comply with strict criteria, securing flawless operation of your computer system and no harm is done to your company. These criteria are as follows: stable power supply, backup power sources, timely cooling of hardware, object fire security and guarantee against entry of unauthorized persons.
Company iPro has access to technologies that allow prediction of any kind of extraordinary situations and provide for maximum protection of expensive hardware from external factor influence. We build everything, starting with small data centres with two or three servers and ending with underground multi-story construction, which are cooled with air and nearby water reservoirs. We build homes for your servers - from foundations to ready objects.
Power supply systems
Whole range of continuous operation power systems with a task to provide for computer operation in case of power shortages - starting with batteries and ending with diesel generations, which in their essence are autonomous power stations.
Fire extinguishing systems
Data centre - it means billions of electric circuits and very high voltage, therefore ordinary fire extinguishing means are of no use in this case. Here you need a system that seals the environment where servers operate and neutralizes influence of oxygen with a special gas.
Cooling systems
Various technologies, starting with air conditioning and ending with the most up-to-date green solutions that allow use of cool climate and environmental resources of the Baltic region to ensure cooling with minimum costs.
Resource planning system
Allows designing of the most rational connection of new servers in a near future. When a necessity for installation of a new server arises, this system will define the most appropriate place, calculate the required power volumes and connect network accesses.
Centralized management system
Allows viewing data centre on one screen and controlling many indicators: how much power is necessary, whether all segments are in order, etc.

Data centre is a heart of a company. And flawless operation of this heart has to be ensured in a timely manner. Otherwise treatment and rehabilitation (not mentioning replacement) will cost a lot more and threatens with irrevocable losses.