IT Security
It is the same like countries involved in arms drive have to constantly invent new arms, also the computer world has to take care of continuous improvement of security level to be able to combat the increasing number of cyber attacks. If your network computers are equipped with anti-virus and firewall only, then this is a long gone guarantee for peaceful life. Because today there is such a problem as unsanctioned use of your network in distributed computing systems. At some point these were created with a sublime purpose - to merge many computers for performance of complex tasks.
Unfortunately now this method has been overtaken by spammers and you can even not be aware of Viagra ad being sent to a wide range of e-mail addresses in a name of your company, which therefore is included in black-lists. For computer system protection we offer such latest products as early intrusion prevention system, workplace protection system and also a system for analysing behaviour of computer network elements, as well as many other systems. Each of our suggested computed protection package is individual and is custom made.
Anti-Virus system
Ensures real-time protection of computers, servers and company data transfer networks against viruses, computer-worms and other harmful programs.
Web filtering system
Allows controlling of what kind of sites employees visit during working hours and allows forming a separate internet access policy for each employee.
Basic element of computer general protection system. Company iPro uses only higly technological solutions from the best companies.
An artificial intelligence based computer safety system able to self-train - the latest solution in the field of data protection technologies. This system is able to detect suspicious behaviour of you computer system elements and report on such activity.
Early intrusion prevention system IPS
Supplements other security systems and allows detection of unfriendly and harmful actions against your computer system.

Single use password system OTP and biometrics. An authorization system allowing to recognize a person both through application of self-selected combination of letters and number, as well as through individual features (fingerprint, eye retina image).