Virtualization is an effective measure how to save resources. Meaning: significantly decrease number of servers, decrease number of persons who are involved in servicing of servers and free business premises for other needs. If we consider also an opportunity to save electrical power, then the economy is obvious. The essence of the technology is that one server remains instead of ten, while the remaining nine are virtual, loosing their "physical body". Also work places can be virtualized. Thus office tables are equipped with monitors and keyboards only, while computers themselves as material objects disappear and appear only virtually on the central server. Such practice increases security for many times: even if workplace is damaged, a person can change place, enter his/her name, password and continue to work on document, which has not lost any row.
Virtualization is not an everyday task - it requires high qualification of an integrator, because he/she has to carry out technological audit and offers solutions. Company iPro has all certificates to carry out such works in a full volume.
Thin clients
New concept for workstations, where there are monitors and keyboards on the employee tables only, while processors are virtualized and basic operation system loading takes place on the server. Thus significant savings are ensured from lease of premises and purchase of computers.
Server virtualization
The essence of this concept is that only one server remains instead of ten, while the remaining nine loose their physical appearance. Thereby resources are saved from server maintenance, electric power is consumed less, as well as resources for equipment cooling, as well as less premises are needed.
Attachment virtualization
Allows installation of two incompatible software on one workstation.
A system allowing maximum effective use of computer resources within the company, constantly distributing load: less loaded data processing systems overtake tasks from more loaded systems.
Hardware doubling
A system automatically transferring information from a physically damaged computer to another one where it loads it. Thus a document you were working on at the moment of a computer breakdown will be saved and opened for work.

The world moves towards green thinking, trying to reduce power consumption and giving up quickly ageing computer equipment. Virtualization is an excellent opportunity how to help ecology, also gaining financially at the same time.